Sunday, 25 May 2014

When you leave our school in your last year (Year 8), what are some of the things that we (teachers) are doing now or haven't done yet to help you prepare for your dream job. You should have two lists: What we (teachers) are doing now / What we (teachers) haven't done yet. Be honest as this can help us (teachers) ultimately help you!


  1. what teachers are doing;
    Through the past years ive been at clendon park school, our wonderful teachers were generous enough to arrange a variety of programs that include tech, electives, sports, and many more. Theyve also thoughtfully allowed us students to experience, define and celebate our own ethnicity, which they also support. Every student that has left our school has gained so much knowledge, it has advised and prepared them for their dream job.
    What they havent done yet:
    In my own opinion, our wonderful teachers have done everything they can, to help us students to achieve our future job. I acknowlede for everything they have done for our school and students. I have nothing else to say but thank you.
    By: latisha Eteuat

  2. what they have done?
    When i was in clendon park my whole life, our magnificent teachers were kind enough to make such stunning events (electives,tech, sports, kiwi can, c.d.l and many more) for our incredible students in clendon park school. Theyve also supported us (incradible students of clendon park school) when ever we do a event (dancing, singing and many more) for our culture (culture night). Theyve also helped us and the year 8s that has left, prepare for our dream come true job.
    what they havent done yet?
    To be honest, i have nothing to say for this but i will like to thank all teachers in clendon park school for helping and preparing us for our dream job.Thank you very much.
    By: Thanksgiving.F

  3. what my teachers have made me smarter and a better person
    anna rm13
