Thursday 20 March 2014


Room 1 have been reading the journal "Our Carbon Footprint".  Check out their explanations on The Greenhouse Effect.


  1. What is the greenhouse effect mean? It means saving your power ,water , light and mean more things. The greenhouse effect can be good or bad , greenhouse keeps our planet earth warm without it, it will be 30 degrees celcius. The greenhouse gases trap in the atmosphere, fossli fuels from the factory gas is a natural process that gose to our atmosphere.

  2. The greenhouse effect has 4 gases which is carbon dioxide, water vapour, nirooxide and methane. The greenhouse effect is a natural process. The greenhouse gases emits in the atmosphere from what you do in life. If there wasn't a greenhouse effect, earth will be freezing cold. The greenhouse gases traped the sun's heat. When cows fart it makes carbon dioxide. One way we could make our carbon footprint small. We could save power like turning off the computers when your done with it and open the curtains instead of turning on the lights during the day.

    By: Danielle

    Greenhouse effect is a natural process between the sun, the atmosphere, and the earth. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapour,they need to remain in balance.When the sun heat earth the water evaporate as a water vapour,and the heat from the earth is trapped by greenhouse gases to keep the earth warm. Some of human activities also emits greenhouse gases. As a result these gases keep increasing in the atmosphere and this effects the whole planet.Burning fosill fuels such as oil,coals,and natural gases emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Cutting trees and burning trees also release carbon dioxide. More and more greenhouse gases emissions, more heat trapped in the atmosphere which makes the earth warmer. This is called global warming. This cause the changing in the weather all over the world,or climate change.
    By Ropati

  4. The greenhousse effect, helps the world to be warm. the greenhouse effect, trap heat from the sun and it emits up to the atmosphere. We breathe in oxygen, and we out carbondioxide. One of the four gasses effect trap up to the atmosphere. The atmosphere holds all the warm, and it warms the world. Without the greenhouse effect, our world will be cold. by:Bethel Salu.

  5. Green house has 4 gases. Methane, nitro oxide, carbon dioxide and water vapour. We need the green house because it keeps earth warm. With out the green house the world would be cold. Green house effect is something that traps the suns warmth in the atmosphere.The green house effect is a natural process. When we breath in oxygen we breath out carbon dioxide. In about 86 more years our climate will change to about 30% degrees Celsius. This will cause sea levels to rise,countries will become deserts and there will be no habitats for the animals. To stop this from happening we can reduce our carbon foot print by saving power, turning of all plugs and to walk to school instead of coming in the car. To help you save power you can use it efficiently so turn of the lights and open all the curtains. As soon as you open the curtains light will shine through so this can always be your light, so the only time you turn on your lights is when its night time around 8.30 . This can also save you money .

    By: Tiana.

  6. The greenhouse effect is a natural process which has 4 greenhouse gasses caleed methane carbon dioxide water vapour and nitro oxide. Probabaly 86 more years to get to 2100 our climate will change to about 30% degrees celcius hot, Countries will become deserts water will rise and there will be no habitats for the animals because the greenhouse effect traps the heat in to the atmosphere. We breath in oxygen and then breath out carbon dioxide emitting the air back in to the atmosphere, without the greenhouse effect our planet would be 4% degrees cold. To stop Earth from water rising and countries becoming into deserts we can reduce our carbon footprint we can save power by walking to school instead of comming in the car, turning all the plugs of when your not using it and use paper instead of the air conditioner. SO PLEASE USE POWER AND ELECTRICITY EFFICIENTLY.

  7. Our carbondioxide that we breathe out emits ou into the atmosphere and the four greenhouse gases helps it to trap the heat to make the earth warm.It a natural process because it happens all over again.But if it traps to much heat then it will be over loaded and if it is over loaded then the whole world will no longer be warm but it climate will change to hoter.
    By:Paul Taua.

  8. The greehnouse effect is a natural procses which has four greenhouse gases which helps trap the heat to make the earth warm. One of the greenhouse gases are called methane.One of the methane is a cows fart.Imagine if your fart could be filled with methane just like a cows fart.Yuck!!!!!!.The other three names of the greenhouse gases are called nitro oxide,water vapour and carbondioxide.The greenhouse effect is something that traps the suns warmth in a planet lower atomsphere (lower atomsphere is were we are right now) to keep us warm.Without the greenhouse, the lower atomsphere would be really cold. If the greenhouse effect loss control,one way we could stop it from happening is by reducing our carbonfootprint.Carbonfootprint is how much carbondioxde that emits back into the atomsphere.


  9. Greenhouse effect is a natural process which 4 greenhouse gasses help to trap the warmness inside. The 4 greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour and nitro oxide. That's why earth is warm. Some of the gas is made either cows, factories, cars and even us humans. We breathe in air then we breathe out carbon dioxide which is released or emit into the atmosphere. If there's to much warmness in earth, by 80 to 85 years earth might change. For example most of the countries will turn into deserts and others like Antarctica will have lots of trees all over the place. If earth is to warm ice will melt causing the water to rise and and by 85 years most islands wont even exist because the water might had flood over it. There could hardly be any animals which is bad news for us humans because they are part of our survival. Without any of these gasses or light from the sun our planet would become cold because the light would just bounce back into space. That's if we don't have any of these gasses. It could go up to 30 degrees Celsius, the climate will change even the population of people and different sort of creatures. this is because its to cold and its difficult for us humans and some of the animals to live in. So its good that we have a greenhouse effect because it keeps us warm, but remember when there's too much warmth bad things could happen. So greenhouse effect is good and bad for us.


  10. what is the greenhouse effect? the greenhouse effect is a natural process that is neded for life on Earth. there are 4 greenhouse gasses and they are carbon dioxide methane nitro oxide and water vapour. the greenhouse effect keeps our planet warm and without it our planet could go up to 30% degrees celcius and it wwould be so difficult to ive. when cow fart its fart goes in to the atmosphere. 1 way of making our carbon footprint small, we could save our power like saving light by turning it of and opening the curtains turn your computer of and turn all plugs off when your not using it.

    By faleupolu

  11. Here are some tips abput the greenhouse effect: always turn off thne plug if your not using some things, try walking to school instead of coming in a car, use the sunlighnt from outside the window instead of using the light, and try publishing on paper instead of using the computers. If your not taking care of things you are using then alot of carbon dioxide will emit into the atmosphere, causing our planet earth to become hot, and water rise, but this only happens if you don`t take care of your power, electricity efficiently. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that has 4 greenhouse gases which helps trap the warmth from cows, factories, cars and human into the atmosphere making earth warm. These 4 greenhouse gases are carbondioxide, nitor oxide, water vapour and methane. Without these 4 greenhouse gases light from the sun will just bounce into earth or the clouds and then just reflect back into space. Earth will become 30degrees celsius cooler becoming dificult for us human and animals to live in, even the climate will change. Thats why we use electricity and power wisely, and not that much carbondioxide will be release into the atmosphere.

  12. Green house gases

    Green house gases is a natural process. There are four gases nitrous oxide, methane, water vapour and carbon dioxide. These four gases trap the suns heat giving warmth to earth. When we breath out air it is called carbon dioxide and that air goes back into the atmosphere. But there is another big problem if we had too much greenhouse gases the sea level would rise,the water would might turn into drout and earth would be hot. Also the animals habbitat would be gone and there would be no where to live in how would affect us? That is what the scientist estimate that antartica would have buildings and invercagill would have alligaters roaming in the sea. When cows faeces come out they produce methane and nitrous oxide.

    By Justin Tuileva

  13. The greenhouse effect is a natural process which has 4 greenhouse gases which helps trap the heat to make our planet Earth warm. Without the greenhouse effect we will be cold. Thhere are 4 greenhouse gases that is called Nitro oxide, Water vapour, Methane and Carbon dioxde. Without the greenhouse effect, the lower atmosphere would be cold. The greenhouse effect is a natural process thats needed for life on Earth. If the greenhouse effect loss control, one way we could stop it from happening is by reducing our carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is now much carbon dioxde emits back into the atmosphere. When cows fart, it produces two type of gases that is called Methane and Nitro oxide. A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere from the things that you do.

    BY: Tilema

  14. Some fantastic explanations of the Greenhouse Effect there, Room 1 - well done!

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  15. I really liked your photos
    by Chevon room13

  16. Thank you for giving us more IST time!
    R17 Jordan

  17. Thankyou room1 for giving us your computer time yous are the best::)
    by Maryann room 17

  18. Thankyou room 1 for giving us your computer time.
    Maryann room 17

  19. Thankyou room1 for giving us your computer time today.
    Maryann rm17
